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Targeted Self Defence offers the following shipping options, which may vary by item and location:
Standard Shipping:
Shipping within 3 days after orders is placed:
Standard Shipping is typically the default checkout setting by our delivery carrier. Your items are expected to be delivered within 03 days after the items have been picked up by the delivery carrier.
No Refunds after 24 hours
Our delivery carrier will deliver the package at your home
If your order has more than one items then your order may ship in multiple packages so that we can deliver your order with the best faster option.
Discount on Shipping
Every new user can get 10% discount on his/her first purchase. You can also get discount on shipping, free of cost shipping, if your order meats free shipping criteria. Discounts are available on the following orders.
First order of every user
More than R5,000.00 Purchase made
Multiple orders
Discount Coupons
The discount will be displayed and applied at checkout. Discount may not be applied to previous orders. Ineligible carts will not be shown an option to consolidate and will not receive the discount. Discount will be applied with the provided coupons.
Sales Tax
You agree that you are responsible for any duty, taxes, and customs requirements or other like taxes, fees, levies, costs or expenses associated with importing products you purchase and shipping them internationally.
Payment Methods
We accept the following forms of payment:
1. Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
3. Debit Card (Visa, MasterCard)
5. Paypal
2. Paypal Credit
4. Payfast
6. Bank Transfer
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Targeted Self Defence
Targeted Self Defence is your one stop shop for all the equipment related to self defence and accessories. From Blank Guns to other tactical gear, we got you covered. Shop Now!
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